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“Effects of charcoal with pyroligneous acid and barnyard manure on bedding plants”, Scientia Horticulturae , vol. 101, pp. 327-332, 2004.
, “Effects of the application of charred bark of Acacia mangium on the yield of maize, cowpea and peanut, and soil chemical properties in South Sumatra, Indonesia”, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, vol. 52, pp. 489-495, 2006.
, “Pore structure and adsorption performance of the KOH-activated carbons prepared from corncob”, J Colloid Interface Sci, vol. 287, pp. 428-37, 2005.
, “Preparation of activated carbons from corn cob catalyzed by potassium salts and subsequent gasification with CO2”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 78, pp. 203-8, 2001.
, “Process effects on activated carbon with large specific surface area from corn cob”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 97, pp. 110-5, 2006.
, “Utilization of agricultural waste corn cob for the preparation of carbon adsorbent”, J Environ Sci Health B, vol. 36, pp. 677-86, 2001.