Biochar Works, Pawling, New York
Post date:
Friday, October 10, 2014 - 12:15pm

BioCharWorks, Pawling, New York
"THE HYBRID" A Bio-Energy Converter Converting Biomass to Heat Energy and Biochar using pyrolysis and gasification in a self sustaining converter.
Stationary and Mobile Units
- A BIO-ENERGY CONVERTER with the flexibilty to be site specific to fit your actual application.
- Converts biomass,(wood chips, coconut shells, peach pits), into a value-added product, biochar.
- Supplies heat to your home, farm, or greenhouse with the ability to produce 500,000 BTU/hr of heat energy.
- Continuous feed system.
- Project feasibility and plant layout design available.
- Makes cents while heating your home!
This is a mobile greenhouse scale
Cornelius du Plessis is a retired engineer from South Africa with extensive experience making activated charcoal, that has modified his older design to burn wood chips. It's a continuous rather than a batch feed reactor and the feed system has been designed around the vagaries of chip feeding.
For more information about his work see, David Yarrow's profile of him: