Biological Farming, Australian Farm Journal
The article is great....really speaks to the soil food web elephant in the room. but then closes with accounting, said SOC elephant, little weight beyond 3.66 X elemental carbon. The compost & compost tea focus, the 74% NH3 savings, 110,000 plant chemical signals, speaks elegantly to what husbandry of wee-beasties can achieve.
The Meta-Study on Syn-N Research conducted on the Morrow plots, that Barry Hayes mentions in the article, I cite often myself. Even with crop genetics being pushed to concentrate sugars in above ground biomass, that study by Illinois and ISU settled the SOC question.
So the author closes with no accounting for nutrient integration and other applications for organic pesticides, Feed supplements and toxic metal remediation.
Once the total Value: out-year SOC gains, plant health, nutrient efficiency, soil GHG emissions, NH3 Saved and Carbon hoof prints reduced are added to the $25 /ton CO2e, The 3.66 molecular factor could be a factor of 10.
Like appraising a concrete building for the carbon in the walls, ........the tenets, infurstructure and decor,...... valueless.
but the N-tec company in China sees these values.
Robert previously sent Ray' O'Grady's ( ) very interesting work with PandA (liquid Wood smoke) for anthrocnose & phytopthora root rot. Given the current controls, this sounds like a cost & environmental godsend.