Confronting our Climate Change Challenge - the Biochar Strategy

Tom Miles

David Yarrow: Confronting our Climate Change Challenge the Biochar Strategy
David Yarrow, July 28, 2008

I've revised my powerpoint illustrations for my "confronting our climate change challenge" talk about carbon-negative biochar strategy. They are now available as auto-running powerpoint slide shows, with "click to continue" prompts. I saved them in the version 1997-2003 format, although I created them with the new vista 2007 version.

The full set of 47 slides is a 20mb powerpoint file. I divided this into 9 smaller files of 1.4mb to 3.5mb:

1_Climate Change Introduction - 13 slides -- 2.1mb

2_Terra Preta History 1 - 5 slides -- 3.4mb

3_Terra Preta Research 1 - 3 slides -- 3.5mb

3_Terra Preta Research 2 - 6 slides -- 3.2mb

4_Biochar 1 NOT -2 slides -- 1.8mb

4_Biochar 2 Backyard -5 slides -- 2.8mb

5_biochar 3 industry - 5 slides -- 2.1mb

5_biochar 4 EPRIDA - 3 slides -- 3.3mb

6_climate change close - 5 slides -- 1.4mb

TOTAL -- 23.0mb

for a green & peaceful planet,
David Yarrow
Turtle EyeLand Sanctuary
44 Gilligan Rd, East Greenbush, NY 12061
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