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“Coating charcoal with polyacrylate-polymethacrylate copolymer for haemoperfusion. III: The effect of the coat thickness on the adsorptioncapacity of the coated charcoal and its adsorptivity to small and middle size molecules”, J Microencapsul, vol. 12, pp. 505-14, 1995.
, “Coating charcoal with polyacrylate-polymethacrylate copolymer for haemoperfusion. III: The effect of the coat thickness on the adsorptioncapacity of the coated charcoal and its adsorptivity to small and middle size molecules”, J Microencapsul, vol. 12, pp. 505-14, 1995.
, “Removal of phenol by activated carbons prepared from palm oil mill effluent sludge”, J Environ Sci (China), vol. 18, pp. 446-52, 2006.
, “Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem”, Biogeochemistry, vol. 82, pp. 201-216, 2007.
, “Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem”, Biogeochemistry, vol. 82, pp. 201-216, 2007.
, “Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem”, Biogeochemistry, vol. 82, pp. 201-216, 2007.
, “Differential sorption behaviour of aromatic hydrocarbons on charcoals prepared at different temperatures from grass and wood”, Chemosphere, vol. 67, pp. 1033-42, 2007.
, “Sorption hysteresis of benzene in charcoal particles”, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 37, pp. 409-17, 2003.
, “Process effects on activated carbon with large specific surface area from corn cob”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 97, pp. 110-5, 2006.
, “Relations between environmental black carbon sorption and geochemical sorbent characteristics”, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 38, pp. 3632-40, 2004.
, “Relations between environmental black carbon sorption and geochemical sorbent characteristics”, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 38, pp. 3632-40, 2004.
, “Yields and Heating Values of Liquids and Chars from Spruce Trunkbark Pyrolysis”, Energy Sources, vol. 27, pp. 1367-1373, 2005.
, “Yields and Heating Values of Liquids and Chars from Spruce Trunkbark Pyrolysis”, Energy Sources, vol. 27, pp. 1367-1373, 2005.
, “Sorption of Anionic Surfactants with Wood Charcoal”, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, vol. 64, pp. 738-740, 1991.
, “Ameliorating physical and chemical properties of highly weathered soils in the tropics with charcoal ? a review”, Biol Fertil Soils, vol. 35, pp. 219-230, 2002.
, “Prehistorically modified soils of central Amazonia : a model for sustainable agriculture in the 21st century”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 362, pp. 187-196, 2007.
, “Ameliorating physical and chemical properties of highly weathered soils in the tropics with charcoal ? a review”, Biol Fertil Soils, vol. 35, pp. 219-230, 2002.
, “Prehistorically modified soils of central Amazonia : a model for sustainable agriculture in the 21st century”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. 362, pp. 187-196, 2007.
, “Charcoal effects on soil solution chemistry and growth of Koeleria macrantha in the ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir ecosystem”, Biology and Fertility of Soils, vol. 43, pp. 303-311, 2007.
, “Physicochemical properties of carbons prepared from pecan shell by phosphoric acid activation”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 98, pp. 1513-21, 2007.
, “Physicochemical properties of carbons prepared from pecan shell by phosphoric acid activation”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 98, pp. 1513-21, 2007.
, “Pore size and adsorptive capacity of unburned carbon affected by gasification with carbon dioxide”, J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng, vol. 39, pp. 2143-55, 2004.
, “Pore size and adsorptive capacity of unburned carbon affected by gasification with carbon dioxide”, J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng, vol. 39, pp. 2143-55, 2004.
, “Prediction of the adsorption capacity for volatile organic compounds onto activated carbons by the Dubinin-Radushkevich-Langmuir model”, J Air Waste Manag Assoc, vol. 57, pp. 497-506, 2007.
, “Production and comparison of high surface area bamboo derived active carbons”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 99, pp. 8909-16, 2008.
, “Production and comparison of high surface area bamboo derived active carbons”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 99, pp. 8909-16, 2008.
, “Activated carbon from char obtained from vacuum pyrolysis of teak sawdust: pore structure development and characterization”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 96, pp. 1364-9, 2005.
, “Activated carbon from char obtained from vacuum pyrolysis of teak sawdust: pore structure development and characterization”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 96, pp. 1364-9, 2005.
, “The prediction of soil carbon fractions using mid-infrared-partial least square analysis”, Australian Journal of Soil Research, vol. 45, pp. 73-81, 2007.
, “The prediction of soil carbon fractions using mid-infrared-partial least square analysis”, Australian Journal of Soil Research, vol. 45, pp. 73-81, 2007.
, “Effects of charcoal with pyroligneous acid and barnyard manure on bedding plants”, Scientia Horticulturae , vol. 101, pp. 327-332, 2004.
, “Charcoal from the Pyrolysis of Rapeseed Plant Straw-Stalk”, Journal Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 21, pp. 503-510, 1999.
, “Charcoal from the Pyrolysis of Rapeseed Plant Straw-Stalk”, Journal Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 21, pp. 503-510, 1999.
, “Charcoal from the Pyrolysis of Rapeseed Plant Straw-Stalk”, Journal Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 21, pp. 503-510, 1999.
, “Charcoal from the Pyrolysis of Rapeseed Plant Straw-Stalk”, Journal Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 21, pp. 503-510, 1999.
, “Charcoal from the Pyrolysis of Rapeseed Plant Straw-Stalk”, Journal Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, vol. 21, pp. 503-510, 1999.
, “Evaluating Charcoal Presence in Sediments and its Effect on Phenanthrene Sorption”, Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, vol. 4, pp. 359-373, 2004.
, “Reversibility of Soil Productivity Decline with Organic Matter of Differing Quality Along a Degradation Gradient”, Ecosystems (2008) 11: 726, vol. 11, p. 726, 2008.
, “Preparation and characterization of activated carbon derived from the thermo-chemical conversion of chicken manure”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 98, pp. 2459-64, 2007.
, “Preparation and characterization of activated carbon derived from the thermo-chemical conversion of chicken manure”, Bioresour Technol, vol. 98, pp. 2459-64, 2007.
, , , “Agricultural activities and the global carbon cycle”, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, vol. 70, pp. 103-116, 2004.
, “Bio-char Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems A Review”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, pp. 403-42, 2006.
, “Bio-char Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems A Review”, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, pp. 403-42, 2006.
, “Sorbents for CO2 capture from high carbon fly ashes”, Waste Manag, vol. 28, pp. 2320-8, 2008.
, “Sorbents for CO2 capture from high carbon fly ashes”, Waste Manag, vol. 28, pp. 2320-8, 2008.
, “Sorbents for CO2 capture from high carbon fly ashes”, Waste Manag, vol. 28, pp. 2320-8, 2008.