Biochar School: Appropriate Technology for the Small Farm

Announcing an exciting new biochar learning opportunity
More info and registration coming soon!
November 7-11, 2014
- 5 days of learning and experimentation at Swallow Valley Farm in Sonoma County, California
- Produced by Wilson Biochar Associates, New England Biochar, LLC and Biocarbon Associates
- Co-sponsored by US Biochar Initiative, Sonoma Biochar Initiative, Southern California Biochar Initiative and others TBA
Sign up at:
- See more at:
Sign up NOW to get more information – add your name to the email update list for the Biochar School here:
This program will demonstrate simple, small to medium scale biochar production technology, with lessons and demonstrations of methods for feedstock selection and handling, biochar post-processing and application. You will leave the school with a well-rounded experience and knowledge of the nuts-and-bolts practicality of on-farm biochar systems. Here are some of the topics we will cover:
- Building low tech biochar devices
- Design for combined heat and biochar
- Biomass & biochar handling: matching feedstocks to devices, size reduction, drying, grinding, storage
- Biochar mixtures and preparations: compost, bokashi, minerals, wood vinegar
- How to test and characterize biochar
- How to apply biochar
- How to set up field and pot trials to assess biochar effects
- How to match biochars to soils and crops
- Integrating biochar in permaculture practices
About the venue: Swallow Valley Farm provides a unique combination of resources: a working farm with an established system built around the stationary Adam Retort of the Sonoma County Biochar Project; a large meeting room that can hold 50 people; a huge pole barn for under-roof activities; and nearby permaculture farms where biochar is in active use.
Housing and meals: Unlimited camping is available at the farm, or you can opt to stay at nearby hotels or cabins. A caterer will work in our large, professional kitchen preparing all meals.
Faculty (preliminary list):
- Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates, editor at the Biochar Journal, researcher at the Ithaka Institute
- Peter Hirst, New England Biochar, Sonoma Biochar Initiative, Swallow Valley Farm
- Raymond Baltar, Sonoma Biochar Initiative, Biocarbon Associates
- Gloria Flora, Executive Director, US Biochar Initiative
- Paul Anderson, Dr TLUD, Chip Energy
- Toby Hemenway, Pattern Literacy, author of Gaia’s Garden
- Michael Wittman, Blue Sky Biochar, Southern California Biochar Initiative
- Art Donnelly, SeaChar, Estufa Finca
- John Miedema, BioLogical Carbon, biochar educator and innovator
- Josiah Hunt, Pacific Biochar
- Simran Raphael, Regenerative Earth, Bloomfield Organics
- Philip Small, Land Profile, Inc
- Matt Banchero, the Tree Hugging tree cutter
- Damien McAnany, Ecological Landscaper
- See more at:
Friday, Nov 7 – Biochar in Context
1:00 – Biochar 101: Introduction to biochar
2:00 – 4:00 Biochar kiln demonstration
4:00 – Toby Hemenway: A Permacultural Approach to Biochar, Carbon, and Soil
5:00 – Gloria Flora: Biochar and Sustainability
6:00 – Social Hour
7:00 – Dinner – Kelpie Wilson: Biochar Standards and the Industry
8:00 - 9:00 – Evening campfire
Saturday, Nov 8 – Introduction to Biochar
7:30 - Breakfast
8:00 - Biochar 101: Introduction to biochar
9:00 – Noon
• Terra Preta Sanitation
• Build and fire a Hawaiian pit kiln
• Conservation burn techniques – turn brush to biochar
• Make a biochar stove or Jolly Roger Oven
Noon - Lunch
1:00 - 5:00
• Feedstock management
• Biochar and permaculture
• Biochar characterization
• Open fire kilns and new devices
5:00 – Pyrolysis 101: Introduction to pyrolysis science and technology
6:00 – Social Hour
7:00 - Dinner
8:00 - 9:00 – Evening campfire
Sunday, Nov 9 – Advanced Topics in Biochar I
7:30 - Breakfast
8:00 – Biochar 201: Biochar compost science and methods
9:00 – Noon
• Terra Preta Sanitation
• Conservation burn techniques – turn brush to biochar
• Open fire kilns and new devices
• Make a biochar stove or Jolly Roger Oven
• Biochar fertilizer formulations
Noon - Lunch
1:00 – 5:00
• Nutrient capture and bio-filtration on the farm
• Biochar characterization
• Biochar and permaculture
• Feedstock management
5:00 – Pyrolysis 201: Pyrolysis Economics for Farm Scale
6:00 - 9:00 – Luau Dinner
Monday, Nov 10 – Advanced Topics in Biochar II
7:30 - Breakfast
8:00 – Biochar 201: Biochar application rates and application methods
9:00 - Noon
• Terra Preta Sanitation
• How to operate the Adam Retort
• Make a biochar stove or Jolly Roger Oven
• Nutrient capture and bio-filtration on the farm
Noon - Lunch
1:00 – 5:00
• Field trip to local farm
• Biochar and permaculture
• Biochar fertilizer formulations
• Open fire kilns and new devices
5:00 – Pyrolysis 201: Design for Heat Transfer
6:00 – Social hour
7:00 – Dinner
8:00 - 9:00 Evening Campfire
Tuesday, Nov 11 – Future of Farm Scale Biochar and Biochar Education
7:30 - Breakfast
8:00 – 10:00 Panel Discussion: Future of Farm Scale Biochar
10:00 – Noon – Discussion: Where do we go from here?
Noon - Lunch
Lecture Descriptions
- Biochar 101 – the basics about biochar and how it works in soil (Gloria Flora)
- Pyrolysis 101 – the basics about the chemistry and physics of the biochar-making process and how different devices work (Peter Hirst)
- Biochar 201 (part 1) -- Biochar Compost Science & Methods (Josiah Hunt, Pacific Biochar & Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates)
- Biochar 201 (part 2) – Biochar Application Rates & Application Methods (Phil Small, Land Profile & John Miedema, BioLogical Carbon)
- Pyrolysis 201 (part 1) -- Design for Heat Transfer (Peter Hirst, New England Biochar & John Miedema, BioLogical Carbon)
- Pyrolysis 201 (part 2) – Pyrolysis Economics for Farm Scale (Josiah Hunt, Pacific Biochar & John Miedema, BioLogical Carbon)
Lab Descriptions
- Open Fire Kilns – how to make and operate pit kilns, cone kilns, top lit open burns and new devices (Michael Wittman, Blue Sky Biochar & Paul Anderson, Dr. TLUD)
- Make a Jolly Roger Oven – make this 55 gallon gasifier to take home. $100 materials fee (Art Donnelly, SeaChar)
- Make a Biochar Stove – make a very simple, easy tin can stove that you can really cook on that makes biochar from wood pellets (Paul Anderson, Dr. TLUD & Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates).
- Feedstock Management – learn how to process, handle and store different feedstocks (Matt Banchero, “the tree-hugging tree cutter”)
- Adam Retort – learn how to operate the Adam Retort (Peter Hirst, New England Biochar)
- Biochar Characterization – learn how to tell different biochars apart and what they are good for (Phil Small, Land Profile)
- Biochar Fertilizer Formulations – learn how to make biologically active, nutrient charged biochar with compost and other ingredients (Josiah Hunt, Pacific Biochar & Simran Rafael, Regenerative Earth)
- Nutrient Capture and Bio-Filtration on the Farm – make a biochar/sand filter; learn about the biochemistry of filtration and use of biochar in swales (John Miedema, BioLogical Carbon).
- Biochar and Permaculture – learn how biochar works in permaculture systems (Gloria Flora, USBI)
- Terra Preta Sanitation – learn how to close the loop with biochar and use biochar to manage human waste (Kelpie Wilson, Wilson Biochar Associates)
More info at:
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