
Jock Gill, Northeast Biochar Assn, April, 2010

Vermont Public Radio Coverage

A new biochar story in Seven Days, a Vermont newspaper:
Shelburne Farms Experiments with "Biochar" to Clean Water and Revitalize Soil

Television coverage of Biochar Demonstration at Shelbourne Farms, Vermont



Adam Retort at FlowFarm, North Carolina
April 12, 2010

Fredde Needle reports:
Hello everyone, I just returned from a Bio Char workshop in North Carolina where they have the first Adam Retort in the USA.

It was exciting to see such simple technology being put to use here, the name of the farm is Flow Farm and you can see their website at flowfarm.org

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MAKING BIOCHAR: with Peter Hirst of New England Biochar

Many thanks to George Packard of Parrot Creek Productions, Warner, New Hampshire for some really fine work. This is the short version of greater works in progress. Very well done by George and much appreciated.

Peter Hirst

Peter Hirst, Pony Farm in Temple, New Hampshire, on May 9, 2009.

Follow the link for some great video from the recent Biochar Roundtable at the Lodge at Pony Farm in Temple, New Hampshire, on May 9, 2009.

Pony Farm Biochar Workshop
Pony Farm Biochar Workshop


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