Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem Submitted by Tom Miles on July 22, 2008 - 6:35pm M. Alexis, Rasse, D., Rumpel, C., Bardoux, G., chot , N., Schmalzer, P., Drake, B., and Mariotti, A., “Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem”, Biogeochemistry, vol. 82, pp. 201-216, 2007.Taxonomy upgrade extras: Carbon cycleCharcoalFireCO2 fluxScrub oak Read more about Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem Log in to post comments Google Scholar
Upland Soil Charcoal in the Wet Tropical Forests of Central Guyana Submitted by Tom Miles on July 22, 2008 - 6:35pm D. S. Hammond, ter Steege, H., and van der Borg, K., “Upland Soil Charcoal in the Wet Tropical Forests of Central Guyana”, Biotropica, vol. 39, pp. 153-160, 2007.Taxonomy upgrade extras: Firedisturbance historyEl NiGuiana ShieldPrecambrianradiocarbon Read more about Upland Soil Charcoal in the Wet Tropical Forests of Central Guyana Log in to post comments Google Scholar